Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Another quick one
  • Thanks for Ryan's Mum taking care of Luna one night,and I got enough milk in the freezer,me and Ryan finally had a really nice date the other night.That bastard brought me to Libertine,a French restaurant.Like the name alot but not the music playing there!But the food was great!And the wine and Cocktails too!The first time I kept drinking and smoking and not feeling bad at all!We walked around Central after dinner,felt like it was the first few times going out with this guy,felt like I'm young again,felt like I'm old at the same time,felt like everything was a dream,I didn't got pregnant and I don't have a baby.But I was thinking about Luna all the time when we at the restaurant,I missed her so much and kept wondering what she was doing at home.Everything was so nice that night that I felt like I was in a movie too!And...I'm so in love with Mr.Ryan and Little Miss Luna...so in love with our family!!!
  • Luna got some rash on her cute little face!The nurse said they will go away and don't put cream on her!But it got worse and worse so finally we went to the doctor.Seems like the calamine lotion is working...I hope it is...

Monday, August 6, 2012

Gonna do a quick update!
  • Luna's Grandparents and uncle are here in HK!!!!(actually...Grandpa and uncle are leaving tomorrow...I really wish they could stay longer!!!)Mum is going to stay for two more week,at our place...it is gonna be fun!We can go to the beach all the time,with Luna!
  • We had a one month party last night for Luna!BBQ on the roof With Ryan's family and my Dad,Cousin Tony,Brenda's family,Mandi and her Mum,my Godparents,neighbor Paul,another Ryan and his girlfriend.It was such a sweet party!Ryan and Dad were getting food and drinks in the afternoon and Ryan was making all the food all day!!!How amazing he made all the food for more than 20 people all by himself!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!It was the best party ever!Everyone were there are sooooo important to me,are the closest.They helped me alot during the whole pregnancy,and main thing...they LOVE our family so much!Tony got a cake for Luna,and made the party hat for her,it was so cute!Everyone got her gifts or red packet.And we all had fun there!!!i almost cried when people taking pictures of me,Ryan and Luna with the cake...It was such a touching moment...a touching night...Luna was sleeping the whole time,but I'm sure she was happy and felt all the love.
  • I spent a night only with Ryan's mum tonight,it was so sweet!We talked about everything and we talked alot!She is the nicest and the most beautiful mother in law ever!!!
  • Luna is growing so fast and looks totally different now!I'm glad to see that but I miss the new born little Luna so much!Everytime when she eats...it reminds me the very first time I fed her...in the delivery room!And how she "looked at me" right after she came out,and the first sign when me and Ryan went to 10th floor to see her!She was sleeping in a special care case...with a pink blanket which looked so good on her!She was so beautiful just like a little angel!She is all big now...so cute and chubby!Making funny sounds all the time,staying awake more and more,bottle feeding sometimes cause her mum was drinking quit often these days,longer eyelashes and hair,more cute clothes from Grandma,Great Grandma and their friends,following things with her eyes,likes sleeping and pooping in our bed more than her own bed,and...She flipped over!From tummy to back!Three times!It was so amazing to see that!The first time!