Thursday, April 26, 2012

Lesson 1-How to swaddle your baby
It's's really do with a teddy bear!
29 weeks
Can't believe I'm already 29 weeks,time passing by so fast and the little one inside kicking so strong now!In this week...We are going to fix this cute little apartment and clean alot!Things are all in my head for a while,hope it will go well.And I'm going to finish the play mat or blanket or whatever next week.I'm soooooooo excited!!!!Gonna make lots of little bow hair clips for her too if I have time!And Ryan's getting his final(or not) all three of us can listen to good music with a better condition.Everything should be ready in 2 weeks or so,then I can start wishing all those baby clothes.And soon we will have sooooo many tiny little things hanging around in this home sweet home,and of course...a tiny little lady rolling around too...

Monday, April 16, 2012

28 weeks!!

The third and final trimester starts this week!!!FINALLY!!!

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Old family died,new family comes...
Since when they start celebrating my uncle's birthday?I remember nothing like this happened before.I feel bad for them sometimes,trying so hard to keep the "family" together and forget about the ones they hurt.Or should I be happy for them cause they finally care?anyway...I don't belong there anymore,and never will be again...

Friday, April 13, 2012

In case you don't understand...


So....we got another ultra sound today.Annoying people and nurses there of course!But we are sure it's going to be a girl anyway!Baby growing too big so can't see much in those pictures anymore,only showed parts of it.And didn't move much,I guess there's not enough room for her to roll around anymore!

My lovely aunt did a great job again after giving me all those bullshit that she didn't even want to wear!She is like...around 40 years old?And she thought I would like all the clothes that she didn't even want?AMAZING!!!!!!!!!!!!
And this time...her friend gave me 4 bags of stuffs...3 bags to throw is a bottles boil pot.So we carried 4 bags back home just to throw them away...or burn!Nice job again,aunt!

Thursday, April 12, 2012

First few try with Ryan's crazy camera,not bad at all!!!

    Other beautiful(or creepy)pictures of me he took...

Our future wedding band-Head Clowns!(find me in the picture!)

Sunday, April 1, 2012

I told you he is my favorite...
My Little Strawberry!

Walking around in the city and found a shop has a lot of baby clothes for cheap price!I felt like I was in heaven!But seemed like someone else felt like in hell...Polka Dots are everywhere and summer dresses for her too!Can't wait to go back there with my girl friends instead and do some crazy baby shopping!!!

But one thing...Please tell me it's a girl...again...